
How to identify a narcissist in the workplace, Part 2

How to identify a narcissist in the workplace, Part 2

Have you ever had to work with or manage someone who you felt like you had to tread on eggshells when they were around? Someone who’s your best buddy one minute but the next, they’re writing a ten-page manifesto on how you are personally trying to ruin their life when...

How to identify a narcissist in the workplace, Part 1

How to identify a narcissist in the workplace, Part 1

There may be no ‘I’ in ‘team’, but there is a ‘me’ if you get a little creative, and narcissists will do just about anything to make it about ‘me’. Narcissism is a behavioural trait that is becoming increasingly understood and recognised. From parents to partners,...

What is ethical HR and why do you need it?

What is ethical HR and why do you need it?

Ethical HR is about treating everyone as equals. Discover how you can solve problems and prevent harm while upholding fairness in the workspace. Ethical HR upholds the laws, policies and procedures that ensure fairness in the workplace, and it’s the approach I use as...

Employment Status: Employee or self-employed?

Employment Status: Employee or self-employed?

At a simple glance, hiring employees appears to be a nightmare with so many things an employer has to consider. Business owners regularly ask me “can’t I just bring them on as self-employed, then they are responsible to figure out their own taxes?” It’s a simple...

5 Reasons You Should Think of Your Employees Like Vehicles

5 Reasons You Should Think of Your Employees Like Vehicles

You may have heard the phrase ‘your employees are your best asset’ - but in talking about the best assets a business has, you may think of a vehicle you purchased. Relationships with people are complex and emotional, unlike a vehicle which is about function and...

Employment Relationships: When Is “Friendly” Unfair?

Employment Relationships: When Is “Friendly” Unfair?

Having a “friends” based management style can often have unintended consequences, disrupting any enjoyment that managing people may bring. Don’t mistake kindness and friendliness. Every manager should demonstrate kindness, respect and professionalism to all employees...

GDPR: What Do Employers Need To Know?

GDPR: What Do Employers Need To Know?

When General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) changed on 25th May 2018, you may have done some work in preparing how the changes impacted your data when it came to clients and customers. However, it may have passed you by that it could impact employment issues...

3 Simple Steps to Flexible Working & Job Clarity

3 Simple Steps to Flexible Working & Job Clarity

Today more than ever people are looking to the job market to provide flexibility to accommodate a variety of circumstances, rather than being fixed in a full-time position with one employer. Whether it’s having multiple jobs or being self-employed, many are choosing...

The Top 5 Ways Employers Unintentionally Cause Harm

The Top 5 Ways Employers Unintentionally Cause Harm

When you made the decision to start your business, chances are you did it because of knowledge or a skill you want to contribute to the working world. Whatever your business, it is likely that you are trained, skilled and talented at it, or you would not have wanted...